I decided to transition my relaxed hair into its natural state in May of 2009. At first it started off as a personal challenge to myself, to see if I could really do it. My hair had been relaxed since the age of 5. I was too scared to start off with the big chop so I decided to transition instead. I got braids, weaves, and tried transitional styles such as the twist-n-curl for a full year while drastically cutting my ends between each hairdo.
How long have you been natural, and what made you decide to go natural ?
After transtioning for a complete year, I decided it was time to cut off all the relaxed hair and become completely natural. So I can say the full journey has been atleast 2 years. After chopping off relaxed hair I could tell the condition of my hair was healthier than I have ever seen it, so I decided to keep going. I never thought I could feel so liberated just by becoming NATURAL!
Were your friends and family supportive ? If not, how did you overcome the negativity?
Most of my friends and my hubby were very supportive and a big encouragement. Family was a different story. One of my family members flat out told me, to take that @#%! out of my head, he didn’t like it. Each time he would see me it would be the same reaction, “I like your hair the other way!” I expected the funny looks, and comments, and a million questions. WHY WHY WHY? My response to the negativity was WHY NOT? You really have to have tough skin. The reality was I loved it and that is all that mattered, it wasn’t for anyone else but me to understand.
What is your current hair routine?
It took a while for me to find products that I love, but that was my fault because I still change up my hairstyles often. But while in my natural state, I use Cantu Shea Butter Leave In Conditioner, and I wash my hair with Taliaah Waajid products. I am still in the learning stages, but I have learned to twist my hair at night to get the “big hair” effect. Youtube and one of my closest friends Carnisha D. have helped me learn how to manage my hair.
Do you have any hair goals?
My goal is to keep going and keep my hair as healthy as possible.
Finish this statement: I love being natural because...
Because it has a deeper meaning than just sporting a big fro, it has allowed me to tap into my natural inner beauty as well which in turn has boosted my confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth. I love the way I see myself from my own point of view.
Is there anything else you would like to say and where can we keep up with you? FB, Twitter, blog, etc....
On my FB page, I currently have a photo album titled “In the Key of A Natural”, where I have documented some of my journey using photos.
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